SBG 130: Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century
This week, Leigh (@lshfoster) and Ellie (@elliebrigida) hang out to talk about why the classic 1999 Disney Channel Original Movie, Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century, Should’ve Been Gay.
801: Sapphic Summer
This week Leigh (@lshfoster) and Ellie (@elliebrigida) are back in your eardrums with the premiere of Season 8 (!!!) of the little lesbian podcast that could.
SBG 129: Steel Magnolias with Ali Clayton
Welcome back to Lez Hang Out, the podcast that has a Southern accent now, y'all.
This week, Leigh (@lshfoster) and Ellie (@elliebrigida) hang out with dyslexic southern pageant girl turned Brooklyn lesbian comedian, Ali Clayton (@aliclaytoncomedy) to talk about why the 1989 dramedy Steel Magnolias Should’ve Been Gay.
722: Child’s Play with Lindz Amer
Welcome back to Lez Hang Out, the podcast that wants every kid to have access to queer role models and positive LGBTQ+ representation.
This week Leigh (@lshfoster) hangs out solo with Lindz Amer (@mxlindz), the creator of the web series Queer Kid Stuff (@queerkidstuff) and author of the inclusive parenting book, Rainbow Parenting: Your Guide to Raising Queer Kids and their Allies, and the children’s book, Hooray for She, He, Ze, and They!: What Are Your Pronouns Today?.
SBG 128: Mad Max: Fury Road
This week, Leigh (@lshfoster) and Ellie (@elliebrigida) hang out and talk about why the 2015 movie Mad Max: Fury Road Should’ve Been Gay.
721: Qua-Drag-Tic Equation with Kyne Santos
Welcome back to Lez Hang Out, the podcast that wants you to have the gay audacity to ANYTHING your little queer heart desires!
This week Leigh (@lshfoster) and Ellie (@elliebrigida) hang out with Kyne Santos (@onlinekyne), the Math Drag Queen and author of Math In Drag.
SBG 127: Luca
This week, Leigh (@lshfoster) and Ellie (@elliebrigida) talk about why the Disney Pixar hit “Luca” Should’ve Been Gay.
720: Lez-ssentials A League of Their Own
Welcome back to Lez Hang Out, the podcast that wants to take you out to the ball gay-me.
This week, Leigh (@lshfoster) and Ellie (@elliebrigida) talk about the 2022 Amazon Prime series A League of Their Own for this Lez-ssentials episode, a recurring segment on the essential movies and TV shows in the lesbian canon.
SBG 126: Hawkeye with Big Gay Energy Pod
This week, Leigh (@lshfoster) and Ellie (@elliebrigida) hang out with Kaitlynn and Theora, the co-hosts of Big Gay Energy Podcast (@biggayenergypod), to talk about why the MCU mini-series Hawkeye Should’ve Been Gay.
719: Below the Belt with Eleanor Medhurst
This week Leigh (@lshfoster) and Ellie (@elliebrigida) hang out with Eleanor Medhurst (@dressingdykes), lesbian fashion historian and author of both the blog Dressing Dykes and the soon-to-be released book, Unsuitable: A History of Lesbian Fashion, to talk about lesbian, and more broadly, queer, fashion throughout the ages.
SBG 125: Van Helsing with Alix Markman
This week, Leigh (@lshfoster) and Ellie (@elliebrigida) hang out with Alix Markman (@markwoman), television and video game writer and returning podcast guest, to talk about why the 2004 campy, spooky action masterpiece Van Helsing Should’ve Been Gay.
718: Zero Gay PR
This week Leigh (@lshfoster) and Ellie (@elliebrigida) hang out to talk about the absolute PR disaster that is JoJo Siwa’s pivot into so-called “Gay Pop” (which apparently didn’t exist before her).
SBG 124: A Simple Favor
Welcome back to Lez Hang Out, the podcast that would risk it all for Linda Cardellini to paint us like one of her French girls.
This week, Leigh (@lshfoster) and Ellie (@elliebrigida) hang out to talk about why the 2018 crime comedy A Simple Favor Should’ve Been Gay(er)
717: Lesbian Master Talk
Welcome back to Lez Hang Out, the podcast that googled “Am I Gay” before it was cool.
This week Leigh (@lshfoster) and Ellie (@elliebrigida) hang out to talk about one of the most controversial and widely read pieces of modern lesbian “literature” on the internet, the Lesbian Masterdoc.
716: Lez-ssentials Bound
Welcome back to Lez Hang Out, the podcast that is in its Wachowski Sisters Era.
This week, Leigh (@lshfoster) and Ellie (@elliebrigida) talk about the 1996 crime thriller Bound for this Lez-ssentials episode, a recurring segment on the essential movies and TV shows in the lesbian canon.
SBG 123: V for Vendetta
Welcome back to Lez Hang Out, the podcast that just wants everyone to, “Remember, remember, the Fifth of November, the Gunpowder Treason and Plot.”
This week, Leigh (@lshfoster) and Ellie (@elliebrigida) hang out to talk about why the 2005 cult classic film V for Vendetta Should’ve Been Gay.
SBG 122: Quiz Lady with Sam and Aussie
Welcome back to Lez Hang Out, the podcast that is absolutely not down for any Mr. Linguini erasure, thank you very much.
This week, Leigh (@lshfoster) and Ellie (@elliebrigida) hang out with Sam (@conscious.altruism) and Aussie (@aussie_has_fomo), the Keep It Saussie (@keepitsaussie) duo best known for their appearance on The Ultimatum: Queer Love to talk about why the 2023 comedy Quiz Lady Should’ve Been Gay.
715: Forbidden Love
Welcome back to Lez Hang Out, the podcast that is a little concerned about what the queer community’s obsession with ‘forbidden romance’ says about us.
This week Leigh (@lshfoster) and Ellie (@elliebrigida) hang out to talk about the trope that has historically overwhelmingly dominated queer media, forbidden love.
SBG 121: Saved! with Giovannie Espiritu
This week, Leigh (@lshfoster) and Ellie (@elliebrigida) hang out with Filipina filmmaker, actor, and writer Giovannie Espiritu (@giospirit2) to talk about why 2004 dramedy Saved! Should’ve Been Gay.
714: Art Attack with Halie Torris
Welcome back to Lez Hang Out, the podcast that wants you to draw us like one of your gay French girls.
This week Leigh (@lshfoster) and Ellie (@elliebrigida) hang out with figurative artist Halie Torris (@halietorris) to talk about the sapphic gaze in art and what differentiates it from the all too familiar male gaze.