501: Cre-Gay-Tors
Leigh (@lshfoster) and Ellie (@elliebrigida) are back for a fifth season of the little lesbian podcast that could!
419: The Gay-Teen Hundreds
Leigh (@lshfoster) and Ellie (@elliebrigida) sit down to chat about the lesbian period pieces that we have been getting inundated with lately.
418: Stuck in Himbo with Jesse Nowack
Leigh (@lshfoster) and Ellie (@elliebrigida) chat with our good friend, the multitalented Jesse Nowack (@nowackinghellyeah) about our favorite himbos and trans male media representation.
417: Husband and Strife
Leigh (@lshfoster) and Ellie (@elliebrigida) chat about the age old trope in lesbian films of the “cheating lesbian” who cheats on her husband when she falls for a woman.