309: The Ex Talk
Leigh (@lshfoster) and Ellie (@elliebrigida) talk about whether or not you can be friends with your exes.
SBG 38: Hustlers
Leigh (@lshfoster) and Ellie (@elliebrigida) talk about why Hustlers Should've Been Gay. Inspired by the viral New York Magazine article,
308: Lez-ssentials Booksmart
Leigh (@lshfoster) and Ellie (@elliebrigida) dive into Booksmart for this Lez-ssentials episode, a recurring segment on the essential movies and TV shows in the lesbian canon.
Int5: The Weekend Soiree with Amber Whittington and Dr. Lakara Foster
Leigh (@lshfoster) and Ellie (@elliebrigida) hang out with Amber Whittington (@amberscloset) and Dr. Lakara Foster (@lakarawiththegift) live at the Weekend Soiree (@theweekendsoiree), an annual 4-day weekend retreat celebrating and empowering dope, Queer Womxn!
SBG 37: Faberry with John Arrow founder of TGI Femslash
Leigh (@lshfoster) and Ellie (@elliebrigida) hang out with John Arrow (@jarrow272), founder of TGIF/F (@tgifemslash) and FaberryCon to chat about all things Faberry.
SBG 30 Live from WBUR Cityspace: Parent Trap, Captain Marvel and The Little Mermaid with Isha Patnaik and Marie Connor
Leigh (@lshfoster) and Ellie (@elliebrigida) hang out with Marie Connor (@thistallawkgirl) and Isha Patnaik (@ishapatnaik) for their live show at WBUR Cityspace in Boston.