615: Romancing The Stone
Are you the lone wolf that can’t be tied down or are you the relationship-seeking wooer that won’t take no for an answer? This week Leigh (@lshfoster) and Ellie (@elliebrigida) hang out to talk about the commonly seen media trope of a pairing that consists of one person who doesn’t want to be in a romantic relationship and one person who is 100% convinced they can change their mind.
603: Got Gayme? with Dot Marie Jones
Calling all Gleeks! This week Leigh (@lshfoster) and Ellie (@elliebrigida) hang out with actor Dot Marie Jones (@dotmariejones), who you probably know best as Shannon Beiste on Glee, but who has also had notable roles in pretty much anything you’ve probably ever seen (Coach Kelly on Lizzie McGuire anyone?).
SBG 37: Faberry with John Arrow founder of TGI Femslash
Leigh (@lshfoster) and Ellie (@elliebrigida) hang out with John Arrow (@jarrow272), founder of TGIF/F (@tgifemslash) and FaberryCon to chat about all things Faberry.