Should Have Been Gay: She's The Man


Leigh (@lshfoster) and Ellie (@elliebrigida) talk about why She's The Man should have been gayer because let's face it, this movie is already pretty queer. She's The Man stars Amanda Bynes as Violet/Sebastian, Laura Ramsey as Olivia and Channing Tatum as Duke OrsinLeigh and Ellie talk about how Viola/Sebastian blurs gender roles, why real Sebastian is lame and how Olivia and Viola would be so much happier together.  Follow along on Twitter @lezhangoutpod and Facebook and Instagram (@lezhangoutpod). 

She's The Man

Starring Amanda Bynes, Channing Tatum, Laura Ramsey, Vinnie Jones, Julie Hagerty

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Episode 18: Inside the Black Triangle featuring Rachael Zimmerman


Episode 17: Invisi-BI-lity featuring Nicole Pacent