Should Have Been Gay: Jenny's Wedding


Oh, Jenny's Wedding. Time we will all never get back in our lives. Join Leigh (@lshfoster) and Ellie (@elliebrigida) as they discuss how - despite the film's mediocre efforts - Jenny's Wedding will likely go down as the least gay lesbian film ever made. Featuring Katherine Heigl and Alexis Bledel as "awkward roommates who have clearly never done it even once in their lives" couple Jenny and Kitty, the movie features an excellent soundtrack consisting of:

  • that one Mary Lambert song, and

  • honestly, just that one song

Follow along on Twitter @lezhangoutpod and Facebook and Instagram (@lezhangoutpod). 

Jenny's Wedding

Starring Katherine Heigl, Tom Wilkinson, Linda Emond, Grace Gummer, Alexis Bledel

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Should Have Been Gay: Jenny's Wedding
Lez Hang Out

Episode 17: Invisi-BI-lity featuring Nicole Pacent


Episode 16: Lez-ssentials The Carmilla Movie